Our Next-Level HydroCourt system
The brilliance of the HydroCourt, a sub-irrigation watering system, is that, unlike overhead sprinkler courts, there is little to no need to roll the court or have daily watering and rolling interruption to allow for afternoon play. The latest generation continues to provide constant moisture while still providing savings on water usage, including delivering water to the playing surface faster than previous generations.
When looking for the best options for your Facility or Home, the HydroCourt meets the needs of busy teaching staff and private homeowners.
Past Projects
Our Services
From reducing stress on the tennis athlete’s body, providing for longer playing life and reduced injuries, to a cooler court surface, clay courts are the answer. They upgrade a club’s status and bring improvement and convenience to the private homeowner.
New HydroCourt Construction
Sometimes, even though your court is playable, you want to spruce it up a bit. Perhaps, you have an upcoming event or special occasion and you would like your court to shine. For this, we can in one day, typically, come through and refresh the look of your court, lines, net, and windscreens, so as to show off your court in its most favorable light.
Maintaining the health of your court takes some time and energy. Every three to five years, depending on court usage, you’ll want to be sure your court is performing as expected and responsive to your playing needs.